Usagi turns and sees Luna behind her, surrounded by glowing light.

Luna steps forward and drops a rod on the ground, with a crescent moon shape on the end.

"Sailor Moon," she says. "The four soldiers have gathered. You will be their leader, to protect the Mystical Silver Crystal, and the Moon Princess!"

"I'm the leader!?" thinks Usagi.

She touches her hand to the brooch on her chest, and her transformation is undone.

She stands in her school uniform, and picks up the moon stick.

"Protect the Mystical Silver Crystal, and the Moon Princess...!!"

Volume 2 - Act 6

Act 6 - Tuxedo Kamen / Tuxedo Mask

Originally appeared in Nakayoshi, July 1992.
Written by Takeuchi Naoko

"That stick is your new item," says Luna. "I'm sure it will be of help. I'll tell you how to use it again."

Usagi looks at the three other girls.

"Be the leader of the four soldiers..." she thinks.

Together, the four ally soldiers...
Our brain, the girl genius with a 300 IQ, Ami-chan. Sailor Mercury.

A little scary when she's angry, the beautiful shrine maiden who can manipulate fire and has the ability of foreknowledge, Rei-chan. Sailor Mars.

She has superhuman strength and can manipulate thunder and lightning, but she's really a lovely girl, like a big sister, Mako-chan. Sailor Jupiter.

And I, Sailor Moon, now leader of the four soldiers. We will defeat the enemies, and find the Mystical Silver Crystal and the princess!

A woman with long, flowing hair calls out through the fog.

"The Mystical Silver Crystal..."

Mamoru's eyes open.

He sits up in bed.

"That dream again...? Somebody is calling me in my dreams. And always, the Mystical Silver Crystal... Whispering only that one thing. And when I'm about to see her face... I always wake up."

He picks up a star-shaped watch on a chain.

"Six o'clock..."

He looks out the window.

"That long hair... Who is it?"

Bye!" calls Usagi as she walks out of the house.

Luna walks into the kitchen.

"Oh," says Usagi's mom. "Crescent moon baldie. That's unusual. You're always awake before anyone, but Usagi's already left for school."

"This kind of thing does happen occasionally..." thinks Luna.

She opens the newspaper, and her eyes widen.

A large picture of Tuxedo Kamen is printed.

The man of mystery, Tuxedo Kamen.
The Mystical Silver Crystal!?
Worth hundreds of billions of yen!?
Confessing to crimes in searching for the lost treasure.
Are these two also involved in the strange case of the Mystical Silver Crystal!? Sailor Moon and Sailor V.

"Ami-chan! Mako-chan!" calls Usagi.

"Morning, Usagi-chan," says Ami. "Great! You didn't oversleep today."

"I've been having bad dreams lately," says Usagi, "and they wake me up."

"What? Dreams?"

Usagi sees Mamoru walking down the street.

"That guy!"

"I'm obviously in high school," he said, holding out his student ID card.

"Chiba Mamoru!"

"Hey, odango," he says. "Be sure to study."

She makes a face at him. "Mind your own business!"

"Who's this?" says Makoto.

"Nobody!" says Usagi. "Some jerk I run into around here lots."

"Usagi-chan," says Makoto. "You're blushing." She chuckles. "You cheater. What happened to Tuxedo Kamen and the guy at the game center?"

"It's not like that!!"

"Wow," says Ami. "That's a uniform from the very expensive, super advanced Moto Azabu High School. It's elite! You know a person like that? Wow, Usagi-chan, what kind of person is he?"

"He's Chiba Mamoru..." says Usagi. "Then I'll let you have him, Ami-chan. He's really a rude jerk."

"Well, if anything," says Ami, "I'd like..."

She and Makoto think of Motoki.

"Anyway, have you two seen the paper!?" she says. "It's terrible!"

"Have you seen it!? The newspaper! Who's that Tuxedo Kamen?"

"Is it true he's committing crimes every night, searching for the Mystical Silver Crystal!?"

"The Mystical Silver Crystal!! They say it's an unbelievable treasure!?"

Luna holds the phone.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"About that," says the reporter. "Tuxedo Kamen! We received a declaration from the man himself for mass communication! He said the lost treasure called the Mystical Silver Crystal is in Japan! Do you know anything? If you know anything about Tuxedo Kamen or the Mystical Silver Crystal, tell us!"

"Tuxedo Kamen...!" thinks Luna. "What's going on!? What is he thinking!? This must be a joke...!!"

Tuxedo Kamen holds a copy of a newspaper.

"I'm sure to gather some information now," he thinks. "The Mystical Silver Crystal... No matter what it takes, I will get it!"

Zoisite and Kunzite watch a bank of monitors, each displaying a different newscast.

"Heh heh..." says Kunzite. "So Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Kamen, and the humans are competing for the Mystical Silver Crystal."

"This is not a laughing matter, Kunzite," says Queen Beryl. "Our Dark Kingdom will obtain the Mystical Silver Crystal! And energy, as well! We need more, more human energy to devote to our great ruler."

"Queen Beryl," says Zoisite. "I will gather the Mystical Silver Crystal and energy. Leave it to me, the European division head, Zoisite."

"Did you see the TV? The Mystical Silver Crystal! It's a lost treasure!"

"They say it's a treasure worth so much it's priceless? Where could it be!?"

"Did somebody hide the thing!?"

"I have to watch the news feature on the Mystical Silver Crystal tonight!"

The girls enter the Crown Game Center.

"This will put all of Japan in a panic!" says Ami. "I don't think this can be anything but an act of the enemies, Luna! If we leave it alone, even the princess will be in danger! We must do something soon."

"I know," says Luna. "This kind of thing happening... I didn't want to think Tuxedo Kamen was an enemy, but..."

"Tuxedo Kamen, an enemy...!?" thinks Usagi. "It can't be..."

"Luna," says Makoto. "Then will we be able to catch the enemies we're fighting now, but can't see? Along with the whereabouts of the princess?"

"Yes, I'm investigating frantically," says Luna. "It doesn't mean they aren't the ones I remember... If the true identities of the enemies... If it is them, as I suspected..."


"If that evil being... has awakened, and is trying to rule the surface once more..."


"If that thing obtains the unbelievable power of the Mystical Silver Crystal... It will be horrible..."

"This being..." says Rei. "Who is it?"

"Luna!" says Usagi. "It will be horrible!? It was on TV, too. Is the Mystical Silver Crystal really such a terrific thing!?"

"The Mystical Silver Crystal..." says Luna. "Using it, one can easily blow apart a single planet. That's the kind of power it carries."

The girls stand speechless.

"That's..." says Ami. "Such an incredible story... Are you saying such an awful thing is what we're supposed to find and protect?"

"The Mystical Silver Crystal..." says Luna. "And the princess who carries the blood of the Moon Kingdom. You are certain to meet her! Then you must protect her, immediately! Because this is your destiny. It is for that purpose I was sent here from the moon, and caused you to awaken."

"The princess who carries the blood... of the Moon Kingdom...?"

"You say you were sent here from the moon, and caused us to awaken..." says Usagi. "Luna... Luna, you came here from the moon? The princess... She's the princess of the Moon Kingdom...?"

"It will take longer to discuss it," says Luna. "When you are awakened completely, you will understand. Everything. I will continue my investigations of the enemies. And of Tuxedo Kamen, as well. I want you to keep watch on the state of things, since we don't know when the situation will become dangerous."

"Enough power to blow apart a planet...?" thinks Usagi. "The Moon Kingdom? I can't believe it..."

She starts playing the Sailor V game.

"Hey..." she thinks. "The thing V-chan is carrying looks like the stick Luna gave me. She's pretty... This wondrous V-chan game..."

"Say..." she says. "Sailor V-chan is a soldier of justice, too. Is she our ally? I wonder if she's an ordinary girl..."

"It seemed like she was active before," says Ami. "But it seems she hasn't appeared in public recently."

"Something really concerns me..." says Usagi. "About this game... And the existence of Sailor V...! Maybe it's because I'm so into this game..."

"Perhaps," says Luna. "Anyway, there's nothing I particularly sense about her from this game... But if you say so, Usagi-chan, why don't we check it out?"

Newspapers print stories on the crystal.

A store sells replicas of the crystal, advertising wondrous power.

A talk show is broadcast on television.

"Now to our topic of the Mystical Silver Crystal!" says the host. "What kind of object can it be! Here with us is a student of the Mystical Silver Crystal, Professor Izono!

"The Mystical Silver Crystal," says the woman, "has the power of eternal youth and longevity. The crystal contains enormous magical power."

People watch the television show.

"Eternal youth...!"

"A beautiful crystal with magical power...!"

"That leader in the study of the Mystical Silver Crystal, Professor Izono, is amazingly pretty!"

"I'll have to watch the TV again tonight!"

"Oh, where is this Mystical Silver Crystal!?"

"Usagi-chan?" says Luna.

Usagi watches the television.

"Izono-sensei," says the host. "What should we do about this?"

"It may be in an unexpected place!" says Izono. "The cooperation of everyone is necessary!"

"A student of the Mystical Silver Crystal?" says Luna. "That's suspicious. But still, come on, Usagi-chan. Just watch TV."

Usagi looks through her dresser drawers.

"Not here, not here," says Usagi. "It's not here anywhere. I wonder where it is, that Mystical Silver Crystal."

Reporters scramble in the newsroom.

"So it's not in the museum, either! Not even if you excavate the ruins!?"

"Not in the Imperial Palace, either!?"

"Damn! We're not getting any information at all!"

"That's right," says Izono. "It's not anywhere. Well, there's no use searching anymore. It must not be here. Perhaps there is no use for all of you."

She presses a button of a control panel.

Waves begin emanating from TV sets in people's homes.

"Strange..." says one. "All my body's energy... seems like it's being drained away..."

"Heh heh heh..." thinks Izono, who is actually Zoisite is disguise. "This Tuxedo Kamen... I don't know who he is, but he has been quite helpful. The foolish humans have worked hard searching for the Mystical Silver Crystal. Soon enough they should be nothing but skin and bones. I will devote all the energy of their bodies to our great ruler, to make up for not finding the Mystical Silver Crystal!"

Mamoru looks up.

He takes off his glasses, and stares out the window.

"Strange... All the functions of the city are at a standstill!?"

He sees people lying on the ground, moaning.

"This is...!"

Luna looks up from her laptop.

"That's odd," she thinks. "Class is over already, but it's awfully quiet..."

She sees students collapsed on the street.

Ami walks up weakly, holding her head.

"Luna..." she says.

"Ami-chan!? Hold on!"

"My body has no strength..." says Ami. "Before my eyes, everyone's getting worn out, and falling down..."

"It can't be!" says Luna. "Is this an act of the enemies!? They deceived us, all of a sudden...!"

"What about Usagi-chan and the others...!?" says Ami. "We have to look for them! Rei-chan's school must be like this, too..."

"Ami-chan!" Luna says. "Let's go to the game center for now!"

"The game center?"

They run to the Crown Game Center.

"This is terrible," Ami says. "Everyone in the city is collapsing."

Luna steps up to the Sailor V game machine, and begins speaking in another language.

The machine slides back, revealing a descending staircase.

Luna runs down it, and Ami follows.

They enter a large room below, filled with high-tech equipment.

"Luna...!!" says Ami. "This place..."

"A few machines were necessary to check out various things," says Luna.

She sits at a computer, wearing a headset.

"This is linked to the moon's host computer."


"But, it was careless to only get involved in investigation!"

A map of the city appears on the monitor.

"The energy is gathering in one point!" says Luna.

"That's Tokyo Tower, Luna!" says Ami.

Luna speaks into the headset. "Usagi-chan! Rei-chan! Mako-chan! Respond!" She waits a moment. "It's no use! Some electrical field is blocking the signal..."

"Tokyo Tower..." says Ami. "Luna, could it be... The tower is transmitting TV signals! Maybe the enemies are using that...!"

Zoisite laughs.

"You good-for-nothing humans are no longer needed in Tokyo," says Queen Beryl. "We will build our Dark Kingdom on the surface. We need not conceal ourselves underground forever!"

Ami runs out of the command center. "We have to find Usagi-chan and the others!"

"Ohhh..." moans Usagi. "My head is foggy, I'm losing strength... This must be the work of the enemies...!"

She drops to her knees.

"I have to save everyone... Ohhh... I'm losing to it... Losing to it, oh no... Luna..."

She collapses on the ground. The moon stick flies out of her bag.

Mamoru sees her lying there and gasps.

He lifts her in his arms.

"Oh, what is this... So warm... I'm filling with strength..."

A hand touches Usagi's face.

"Hey! Wake up!"

She opens her eyes and sees Tuxedo Kamen looking at her.

"Tuxedo Kamen! What are you doing here...!?"

"No way..." she thinks. "Am I dreaming?"

"It is because of my rash actions that these things have happened," he says.

"Tuxedo Kamen..." says Usagi. "This situation... You caused it...? What on earth..."

"It's not like that!" he says. "I didn't intend for this to happen. I want the Mystical Silver Crystal no matter what. But I didn't have any information at all... And I don't have power like you do...!"

He takes her hand.

"Transform, into Sailor Moon! I cannot do anything about this situation."

Usagi's eyes widen.

"He knows...?" she thinks. "That I'm Sailor Moon...! Who on earth are you...!?"

"Only you can save everyone!" says Tuxedo Kamen.

She looks into his eyes.

"I feel like I'm going to be drawn in..." she thinks. "I've seen him somewhere before. They know everything... The deep color of his eyes..."

She grasps her brooch.

"I don't have time to hesitate! Moon Prism Power! Make Up!!"


"Ami-chan!?" says Luna, talking through her headset.

"Luna," Ami says, "I was able to find Rei-chan and Mako-chan, but Usagi-chan..."

"Okay!" says Luna. "From there, go to the TV station, and catch the enemies! Transform, everyone!"

"Usagi-chan...!" she thinks. "If it's Usagi-chan, she'll be all right..."

The three girls burst into the station.

"We found you!" says Ami. "Return everyone to normal this instant!"

Zoisite curses, and disappears.

"He got away! I don't believe it!" says Rei. "What should we do about everyone who's collapsed..."


"What should I do..." thinks Usagi. "Is everyone alive!? The people throughout the city have fallen... He said to save them, but how!? I..."

"You are the leader," said Luna.

"I can't do fog or fire, or call storms, like Ami-chan, Rei-chan, and Mako-chan... I don't have any power... There's not a thing I can do in this kind of time. Without Luna, I can't do anything!"

She starts to cry.

"Help me, Luna, what should I do..."

"Pull yourself together, Sailor Moon!"

Tuxedo Kamen pulls her close to him.

"You can do it!" he says.

The moon stick appears in front of her, glowing brightly.

"What? Where did the stick come from...!?" she thinks.

She remembers the Sailor V game.

"Maybe... I use this...!?"

She takes it in her hands.

"Light... Power is flowing out of it."

She looks at Tuxedo Kamen.

"Maybe I can do it... Please, bring everyone back to life!! Please...!"

She holds out the moon stick, and power blasts out from it.

The people lying on the street begin to awaken, moaning.

Usagi faints and falls backwards.

"Sailor Moon?" says Tuxedo Kamen.

He catches her in his arms.

"Suddenly, I'm so sleepy..." she says. "Oh... No..."

"So she used too much power..." says Tuxedo Kamen.

He kisses her on the cheek.

"You did well, Sailor Moon."

He picks her up and carries her.

A star-shaped watch falls from his suit and catches on Usagi's skirt.

The glass cracks.

"Oh, I'm so relieved... Those warm hands... Somehow brought me back to life... I'm filling up with energy... These hands... I know from very long ago..."

Usagi opens her eyes.

She sits up in a bed, in a room with a large window looking out on the city.

"Where am I? This place..."

She looks through the window. The sun shines outside.

"I feel like I was dreaming... That dream I always have, somebody calling me... A man's voice... Who is it...?"

She lifts the bedcovers, and sees a star-shaped watch with cracked glass on her skirt.

"A moon-phase pocket watch... It's broken... Whose is it? Could it be... Tuxedo Kamen's...?"

She touches her hand to her brooch, reverting to her school uniform.

"I transformed... In front of Tuxedo Kamen... He's not an enemy. He always helps me. It seems he knows everything about me... Why? I want to know... Why does he always help me? Who are you?"

The door to the room opens.

"Have you come to?" the man asks.

The man wears the same shirt as Tuxedo Kamen.

Usagi looks up, and sees the face of Chiba Mamoru.
