Volume 1 - Act 5

Act 5 - Makoto / Sailor Jupiter

Originally appeared in Nakayoshi, June 1992.
Written by Takeuchi Naoko

"Where am I?"
She looks at her hands.

"I'm Tsukino Usagi, right...? Somebody's calling me. The fog is so heavy, I can't see well."

She sees the figure of a man in the distance.

"Who are you?"

The alarm clock rings loudly.

"Usagi-chan!" says Luna. "Wake up! Wake up! You're going to be late!"

Usagi sits up and yawns. "I keep having such weird dreams these days... I can't really remember them."

I'm Tsukino Usagi. I'm happiest when I'm sleeping! I'm 14 years old.
Usagi walks down the street in the rain, carrying an umbrella over her head.
"You know," says Luna. "You should take life more seriously, Usagi-chan."

"What do you mean, take it seriously?"

"Exactly that," says Luna. "Like waking up earlier in the morning. Like being more conscious of your role as a soldier of justice, and getting a sense of crises!"

This is my talking cat, Luna. She worries too much, and she's so nosy!
Tuxedo Kamen looked at Luna.
"Perhaps I'm your enemy..."

"For example," says Luna. "That Tuxedo Kamen. We don't know his true identity yet. You shouldn't get too close to him..."

"But I'll see him," says Usagi.

"Tuxedo Kamen..." she thinks. "It's strange. Just hearing his name makes my heart pound... It's strange. His warm hands... Inside his arms... It's familiar somehow, like I knew him a very long time ago..."

A car speeds toward them as they cross the street.

"Usagi-chan!" calls Luna.

A tall girl dashes out into the street and carries Usagi out of the way as the car drives past.

She sets Usagi down on the sidewalk.

"That's dangerous," says the girl. "Be careful."

As she turns away, her rose-shaped earrings shine.

"R- Right," says Usagi.

"Rose earrings," she thinks. "She smells nice..."

The brown-haired girl watches Usagi run off.

The girls in class gather around a picture of Naru in a long dress.

"Wow!" says one. "Naru-chan, that's wonderful! It looks great on you!"

"Hehe," says Naru. "My cousin's getting married next. See, they do wedding dress fittings at the bridal shop near the entrance of the shopping center. So I tried one on!"

"That's great. When's the wedding?"

"I've never seen a real-life wedding before!" says Usagi. "I want to see one!"

"Well, about that..." says Naru.

She looks down.

"What, your cousin's husband is missing!? And your cousin has passed out!?"

"Yeah," says Naru. "Her husband's a busy man, and always gets home late... We don't really know if something happened to him... I was shocked."

"I see. Having that dress fit for you must have been hard, Naru-chan."

"But, they say June brides are the ones who become most happy!"

"Oh, really? Wonderful!"

"That's great!"

"Ohh, I want to be a bride!" the girls say in unison.

Usagi looks up and sees the girl she met earlier.

"Be careful," says the girl as she walks by, wearing a brown school uniform.

"Sh- She startled me," says Naru. "Who is that?"

"Oh, from this morning..." thinks Usagi.

"She's so tall! She's strong!"

A teacher steps out of a nearby classroom.

"You transfer student!" he says. "Your uniform! What's with your uniform!"

"Oh, I was late, so they don't have one in my size," she says.

"And what's with that head!"

She steps closer, towering over him.

"It's a natural perm, sensei!"

Umino pops up.

"That girl transferred into class six today!" he says. "They say she possesses superhuman strength, and gets into fights, so she was expelled from her old school."

"Wow..." says Usagi.

"Where do you want to eat lunch?" says Naru.

"Since the rain let up," says Usagi, "let's go to the courtyard. I'm going on ahead."

As Usagi walks outside with her lunch, she sees the tall girl sitting alone.

Usagi rushes behind a tree.

"That girl!" she thinks. "The transfer student of superhuman strength!"

She peers out at the girl.

"Wow!" she thinks. "Her lunch looks so pretty, and delicious... That purse is cute!"

"It's gone, it's gone!" yells a boy playing baseball. "To the outfield!"

The girl looks up.

She jumps and rushes in front of Usagi, catching the baseball in front of her.

She throws the ball back high into the air.

"Heads up!" she shouts.

She turns to Usagi.

"Oh, you from this morning... You shouldn't get lost in your mind."

"O- Okay," says Usagi.

"This will take care of that Umino," she thinks. "But still... Her hand-rolled sushi cooked in rice looks delicious..."

She drools in front of the girl.

"Do you want some?" asks the girl.

"What!?" says Usagi. "Okay, just a little bit..."

She takes a bite eagerly.

"This is great," says the girl. "I don't really know, but everyone's scared and won't talk to me. I live by myself. Are there any cheap supermarkets around here? Let me know! Oh yeah... After that, some other stores... And maybe a game center too..."

"If you want a game center," says Usagi, "I can introduce you to that!"

The girl plays the Sailor V game at the Crown Game Center.

"Wow, you're good!" says Usagi. "So that's how you beat this guy!"

"Right, right," says the girl. "You charm him like this, and get a momentary chance. Defeat him in one blow with the death move. This is one of the fighting patterns."

Ami walks into the game center, carrying Luna. The man who works there follows her.

"Usagi-chan," Ami calls. "You're here already?"

"Ami-chan!" says Usagi.

"This girl is good!" thinks Ami, watching her play. "Getting this far in the Sailor V game..."

"Is this a friend of yours?" says the man. "Is she from a different school?"

The girl blushes as she sees him.

"I transferred to class six of the eighth grade at Juuban Junior High," she says. "I'm Kino Makoto. Nice to meet you."

"Oh," he says, "I'm Furuhata Motoki."

"O-nii-san, you had a name like that!?" says Usagi. "Hey, hey, what are you usually called?"

"At college it's 'Furu-chan,'" he says. "Call me that."

"Furu-chan?" says Usagi. "That's so cute! So, Makoto-san would be... Mako-chan! The powerful good cook, Mako-chan!"

"That Usagi-chan doesn't know fear," thinks Ami.

"And she's really everybody's friend," thinks Luna.

"Oh, that reminds me," says Ami. "I heard a strange rumor on the street. Do you know the large bridal shop at the entrance of the shopping center?"

"Oh, that's what Naru-chan was talking about!" says Usagi.

They approach an elegantly designed building.

The figure of a woman in a white dress sits over the doorway.

"That balcony mannequin looks like it's going to come down and dance," says Makoto. "She's pretty... Brides are so great."

She blushes.

Two ladies approach the store.

"Look, it's that bridal shop," one says.

"So that's the cursed bridal shop?"

"That's right. The ghost of the bride, it appears here!"

"A ghost!?" thinks Usagi.

"That balcony mannequin prowls this neighborhood late at night, and enchants strolling men! If you buy a dress at this bridal shop, you'll be cursed by the ghost, and find misfortune!"

"What? Even if I decide to get married, I'm going to quit looking at dresses here."

"Look, Phobos, Deimos," Rei says. "Here's your food."

The two crows eat from her hands.

"Rei," says an older man. "You have friends."

He waves to the three girls.

"Hey, these are some cute girls! How about it? Want jobs as a shrine maidens here?"

"Grandpa, come on!" says Rei.

She stares at Makoto.

"So there's the ghost of a bride at a cursed bridal shop?" says Rei. "This is suspicious."

"A missing husband..." says Ami. "I wonder if he really was enchanted by the ghost bride."

"It's the fault of the man to be enchanted by a ghost," says Rei.

"Rei-chan!" says Usagi.

"I do not trust men," she says.

"Such a complicated story," says Makoto. "I'm going home."

She leaves the shrine.

"Luna..." says Rei.

"I know..." says Luna.

"The day of gathering may be near," says Rei.

Usagi sees two boys talking outside.

"Have you heard?" says one. "Some guy in class one saw that ghost bride!"

"Really!?" says the other.

"He saw her taking some man with her."


"We should go take a look once," says Luna.

Night falls, and the eyes of the mannequin sparkle.

She floats from the window, down to the ground.

"Furu-chan! See you later."

"Good night," says Motoki as he leaves the building.

He sees a woman in a white dress looking out from behind a wall.

"A bride...?"

"Hey..." the woman says. "Look into my eyes. Become my captive. Devote your energy to me!"

Makoto takes a soda can out of the vending machine.

"It's gotten late," she says.

She turns around.

"Hey, Mako-chan," says Motoki. "I've been waiting for you."

"M- Me!?" she says.

"Look into my eyes," he says. "I love you... Now..."

Mamoru walks down the street, reading a book.

He looks up suddenly.

He peers around the corner and sees Motoki embracing Makoto.


He takes off his glasses.

Usagi turns over in bed.

She opens her eyes, and sees Tuxedo Kamen crouching in her open window.

"Is this... a dream...? Tuxedo Kamen...!?"

Luna opens her eyes, and looks out the window.

She sees Usagi running out of the house after Tuxedo Kamen.


She picks up Usagi's communicator.

"Ami-chan! Rei-chan! Wake up! Usagi-chan's gone off with Tuxedo Kamen...!!"

Usagi runs quickly, following the masked man in front of her.

"Where are you going?" she thinks. "Tuxedo Kamen... Where are you taking me?"

She stops as she sees Motoki and Makoto, with a bright light glowing around them.

"O-nii-san!? Mako-chan!? What's that light!?"

Luna runs up with the other two girls. "Usagi-chan!!"

"That's...! The ghost bride!?"

"Luna!!" shouts Usagi, holding her magic pen. "It's an enemy! We have to save those two!"

"Heh heh..." says the ghost. "Devote more, more energy... After that, your bodies will be left as mannequins, and you will become sacrifices to our great ruler!"

Usagi steps forward in the form of a man, wearing a black tuxedo.

"Well, beautiful bride..." she says. "Your groom is here. Shall we go to our wedding ceremony in hell?"

"Who are you!?" says the ghost.

She drops her gloves to the ground.

"Moon Prism Power! Make Up!!"

The disguise disappears as Usagi becomes Sailor Moon, standing with the other two soldiers.

"I will not allow you to take the sacred form of a bride, and take advantage of the whisperings of love!"

She tosses up her mask.

"In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"

"How dare you manipulate these people!" says Ami. "One should use that wisdom to help the world, to help people! I'll punish you! With the power of Mercury, I'll cool your head off!"

"How dare you deceive girls!" says Rei. "You shouldn't make fun! With the power of Mars, I'll show you the flames of anger! With high heels, I'll punish you!"

"Manipulate?" says Makoto. "Deceive? Those weren't his true feelings...? I was deceived...? Oh..."

The sign of the planet Jupiter glows on her forehead.

She rushes at the ghost bride and lifts her into the air.

"You're saying you trampled the innocence of girls!?"

"This is...!" thinks Luna.

She holds a pen in her mouth and tosses it to Makoto.


As Makoto takes the pen, she appears in a sailor suit.

"She transformed!?" thinks Usagi. "She's an ally!?"

The mannequin drops to the ground.

Nephrite stands atop a building, his hair blowing in the wind.

"Heh heh heh..." he says. "That was just a shadow of mine, with no true form. The real thing is here!"

Makoto spins around. "Flower Hurricane!"

Flowers fly toward Nephrite, swirling around him.

"Ugh... It's blinding me!" he says.

"My guardian planet, Jupiter! Raise a storm! Call down thunder!

A lightning bolt strikes an antenna raised from her tiara.

Electricity blasts at Nephrite, burning his body into a corpse.

"Nephrite!" says the man with long, blond hair.

Another man watches from behind, a cape draped over his shoulders.

"Zoisite," the caped man says. "If you don't want this to happen to you, you'll have to use your head more. Otherwise, you will injure the name of the four generals."

"Kunzite!" says the other man.

"Hmph," says Queen Beryl. "This damn Sailor Moon... So she intends to stop us no matter what happens. If I had the Mystical Silver Crystal...! Instead of such inefficient things as energy, the finishing piece... The Mystical Silver Crystal! Bring it to me quickly!!"

Makoto falls to her knees.

"Mako-chan!!" calls Usagi.

Tuxedo Kamen stands behind her.

Luna looks at him.

He glances at her, and runs off into the moonlit night.

"Tuxedo Kamen..." thinks Luna. "Did he bring Usagi-chan to the scene of the crisis!? That guy..."

"Perhaps I'm your enemy..."

"Who on earth is he?"

Motoki sits up, holding his head. "Huh? What happened to me?"

Makoto's eyes water.

"I..." she says. "My heart was broken by an older boy I loved... Staying at my old school became so hard. The guy from the game center... Furuhata o-nii-san... He looks a little like the boy who broke my heart. But... The reason I transferred schools was because I somehow got the feeling I had to... The wind brought me here. Instead of love, a much more important thing is waiting for me here. Somebody whispered that to me..."

"That's right," says Rei. "We don't have time to waste crying over boys."

"You're our ally, Mako-chan," says Luna. "Everyone has their respective powers. And now you too, Sailor Jupiter."

"Sailor Jupiter..." says Makoto. "Yes... That's who I was. I have a mission I must accomplish."

Usagi turns and sees Luna behind her, surrounded by glowing light.


Luna steps forward and drops a rod on the ground, with a crescent moon shape on the end.

"Sailor Moon," she says. "The four soldiers have gathered. You will be their leader, to protect the Mystical Silver Crystal, and the Moon Princess!"
